Merrion Square Park playground
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Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Due to popular demand, the playground in Merrion Square was renovated in 2014. The new playground's theme is Oscar Wilde's short story, the Selfish Giant. The playground is suitable for younger and older kids alike, for toddlers there are two baby swings, a basket swing, a small slide and a balancing unit; while older kids might use the two normal swings and the gigantic multiplay unit that symbolises the Giant of the garden. After or before playing, walking in the park is a good option, it is always nice and tidy, full of gorgeous flower beds. Finding the different sculptures (especially the colourful statue of Oscar Wilde) can be good fun, too! Every Thursday from 11.30 until 2, there is a lunchtime market in the park and on Sundays, the railings of the park turn into an Open Air Art Gallery, as several artists exhibit and sell their own works there. Opposite the park you can find the Natural History Museum, it is free and might save the day if suddenly the rain begins to fall...
How to get there: DART: Pearse street Bus: 4, 5, 7, 7a, 8, 13, 13a, 15x, 44, 44b, 44c, 45, 48a, 49x, 50x, 63, 65x, 77x, 84
Entry is free
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